What is Follett ACCESS?

The Follett ACCESS program allows campuses to provide required course and digital materials to students as part of a bulk buying program, ensuring all students are prepared with required course and digital materials on day one. With the Follett ACCESS program, all students begin the course with the same materials in the same format on the first day of class, creating a consistent learning experience both in and out of the classroom.

Only digital course materials identified by faculty and the campus as "required" are part of the program. However, all recommended materials will be made available for purchase at the local Follett campus store and local campus store website. The cost of the required course and digital materials using Follett ACCESS are added with the tuition and fees during registration. Financial aid can be used for the Follett ACCESS materials.

Students may opt out of purchasing the Follett ACCESS digital course materials provided in select 推荐正规买球平台 classes. Students must inform their instructor of their intent to opt out and complete the Opt Out of Follett ACCESS form by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the census (10%) date of the course. Students' 365dafa6.com email address must be used to access the form. For more information about opting out, please contact Jessica Blanchard at (919) 718-7391 or jblan824@365dafa6.com.

Central Carolina Promise/K14 program

The Central Carolina Promise/K14 program provides tuition-free college classes for eligible high school graduates residing in Chatham, Harnett, or Lee counties. Central Carolina Promise/K14 pays for tuition and course fees only, and does not cover books, supplies, and other required materials (including Follett ACCESS). Promise/K14 students will be responsible for paying their textbook charges if those charges are not covered by Financial Aid or other scholarship funds.

Promise students do not need to make any payments for the Follett ACCESS titles on the Bookstore's website. Instead, Promise students will pay the balance through the 推荐正规买球平台 Business Office.

Current Classes

Course NumberCourse NameSectionsBook Fee
ART-111Art AppreciationAll$50.94
ART-115Art History Survey IIAll$50.94
BAR-111Barbering Concepts IAll$1,848.45
BAS-120Intro to AnalyticsAll$61.81
BIO-110Principles of BiologyOnline$47.96
BIO-111General Biology IAll$90.56
BIO-111General Biology IOnline$134.52
BIO-163Basic Anat & PhysiologyAll$101.23
BIO-168Anatomy and Physiology IAll$141.72
BIO-169Anatomy and Physiology IIAll$90.57
BUS-110Introduction to BusinessAll$105.93
BUS-217Employment Law and RegsAll$118.29
BUS-225Business FinanceAll$96.55
BUS-240Business EthicsAll$106.14
BUS-252Labor RelationsAll$121.06
BUS-259HRM ApplicationsAll$121.06
CHM-151General Chemistry IAll$63.73
CHM-152-General Chemistry IIAll$63.73
CIS-110Introduction to ComputersAll$136.88
CIS-111Basic PC LiteracyAllContinuation
CJC-113Juvenile JusticeAll$46.62
CJC-115Crime Scene PhotographyAll$23.96
CJC-121Law Enforcement OperationsAll$46.62
CJC-122Community PolicingAll$50.94
CJC-132Court Procedure & EvidenceAll$46.62
CJC-144Crime Scene Processing $78.94
CJC-146Trace EvidenceAll$46.62
CJC-151Intro to Loss PreventionAll$46.62
CJC-212Ethics & Comm RelationsAll$46.62
CJC-213Substance AbuseAll$46.62
CJC-225Crisis InterventionAll$46.62
CJC-231Constitutional LawAll$50.94
CJC-245Fund of Fingerprint AnalysisAll$47.94
CJC-246Adv. Friction Ridge AnalyAll$47.94
COM-120Intro Interpersonal ComAll$46.76
COS-111Cosmetology Concepts IAll$2,316.81
COS-119Esthetics Concepts IAll$1,108.30
CTS-115Info Sys Business ConceptsAll$91.92
CUL-110Sanitation & SafetyAll$112.70
CUL-135Food & Beverage ServiceAll$138.81
CUL-140Culinary Skills IAll$374.85
CUL-160Baking IAll$239.78
DFT-170Engineering GraphicsAll$61.81
DRA-111Theater AppreciationAll$77.58
EGR-150Intro to EngineeringAll$113.90
ELC-112DC/AC ElectricityAll$128.95
ELC-127Software for TechniciansAll$36.22
ELC-131Circuit Analysis ILB1/HB1$96.98
ELN-133Digital ElectronicsAll$96.98
ENG-011Writing and Inquiry SupportAll$57.95
ENG-110Freshman CompositionAll$20.18
ENG-111Writing and InquiryAll$22.32
ENG-112Writing/Research in the DiscCont.$22.32
ENG-114Prof Research & ReportingAll$45.94
ENG-241British Literature IAll$42.50
ENG-242British Literature IIAll$42.50
FRE-111Elementary French IAll$131.61
FRE-112Elementary French IIAllContinuation
HIS-111Western Civilization IAll$50.94
HIS-112Western Civilization IIAll$50.94
HIT-110Intro to Healthcare & HIMAll$89.51
HIT-112Health Law and EthicsAll$46.62
HIT-114Health Data Sys/StandardsAll$106.52
HIT-211Diagnosis Coding & ReportingAll$116.37
HIT-213Inpatient Proc Coding & ReportAll$119.36
HIT-214Outpatient Procedure CodingAll$106.52
HIT-215Revenue Cycle ManagementAll$87.17
HIT-217Quality & Data AnalysisAll$166.25
HIT-218Mgmt Principles in HITAll$106.52
HIT-220Electronic Health RecordsAll$90.53
HIT-221Diagnosis Coding & ReportingAll$174.77
HIT-222Prof Practice Exp IIIAll$30.37
HIT-225Healthcare InformaticsAll$90.53
HIT-226Pathophysiology & PharmacologyAll$61.01
HIT-280HIM CapstoneAll$236.59
HSE-110Intro to Human ServicesAll$135.34
HSE-123Interview Tech Human ServiceAllContinuation
HSE-135Orientation Lab IAllContinuation
HSE-210Diversity Ethics and TrendsAllContinuation
HSE-212Group DynamicsAllContinuation
HSE-223Counseling Theories & SkillsAllContinuation
MAT-110Math Measurement & LiteracyAll$91.92
MAT-121Algebra/Trigonometry IAll$95.90
MAT-143Quantitative LiteracyAll$102.90
MAT-152Statistical Methods IAll$102.90
MAT-172Precalculus TrigonometryAllContinuation
MAT-263Brief CalculusAll$102.90
MAT-271Calculus IAll$141.88
MAT-272Calculus IIAllContinuation
MAT-280Linear AlgebraAll$113.90
MAT-285Differential EquationsAll$113.90
MED-118Medical Law and EthicsAll$87.31
MED-121Medical Terminology IAll$51.69
MED-122Medical Terminology IIAll$51.69
MED-232Medical Insurance CodingAll$87.17
MED-272Drug TherapyAll$87.17
MED-274Diet Therapy/NutritionAll$92.18
MKT-120Principles of MarketingAll$121.06
MKT-223Customer ServiceAll$121.06
MUS-110Music AppreciationAll$70.21
MUS-112Introduction to JazzAll$68.20
MUS-210History of Rock MusicAll$87.17
OST-149Medical Legal IssuesAll$87.31
OST-247Procedure CodingAllContinuation
OST-248Diagnostic CodingAll$464.86
PAD-151Intro to Public AdminAll$50.94
PHI-240Introduction to EthicsAll$53.22
PHY-151College Physics IAll$79.39
PHY-152College Physics IIAllContinuation
PHY-251General Physics IAll$63.73
PHY-252General Physics IIAllContinuation
POL-120American GovernmentAll$69.14
PSY-241Developmental PsychologyAll$41.97
PSY-281Abnormal PsychologyAll$67.02
PTA-120Functional AnatomyAll$95.90
PTA-140Therapeutic ExerciseAll$155.85
PTA-150Physical Therapy Proc IIAll$159.32
REL-110World ReligionsAll$53.16
SAB-110Intro to Addiction & RecoveryAll$135.34
SAB-120Intake and AssessmentAllContinuation
SAB-240Diversity Ethics & TrendsAllContinuation
SOC-220Social ProblemsAll$48.49
SOC-240Social PsychologyAll$189.96
SPA-111Elementary Spanish IAll$130.88
SPA-112Elementary Spanish IIAllContinuation
SWK-113Cultural Comp & DiversityAll$135.34

Do you have questions about Follett ACCESS?

Course Material Questions

Blackboard Integration Questions

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    Amanda Carter

    Director of Distance Education
    Distance Education
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